The new Enovate Design website is launched (2013)

The re-designed Enovate Design website has gone live today.

The last re-design of the Enovate Design website was back in 2007 and the previous design was looking very tired in recent months. The website in actual fact underwent a re-design in 2010 but client projects ended up taking priority and it was never completed although some influences from that design can be found in this one.

The new design is fully responsive and we've worked hard to get the website responding to a variety of devices with breakpoints for mobile, tablet and desktop.

Utilising the MODx content management system we developed Custom Manager Pages to hold the portfolio and testimonials data which allows us to easily add new projects in the future.

Like all our recent projects the website is coded in HTML5 and is progressively enhanced with CSS3 embellishments. We created bespoke icons, output in SVG format, for the 5 service areas. The CSS was authored in SASS utilising Compass.

We created a custom build script using gruntjs which concatenates, minifies and lints our JavaScript and CSS code. The build script is also used for cache busting as it replaces the links in our HTML with date/time stamped filenames when a file is updated and lastly it also lossly compresses image assets with jpegtran and optipng.

Utilising the gruntjs build script has allowed us to migrate our assets over to Amazon's Cloudfront Content Delivery Network (CDN). The advantage being that CDN assets are served from the closest Amazon edge location to the user rather than from our server in the UK.

The features we are most pleased with are the hardware accelerated CSS3 3D transforms in the portfolio section when moving from one image to the next. If you're not able to see those I'm afraid it means either your browser does not support 3D transforms or your computer does not have a suitably powerful graphics card.

We have also improved the blog section migrating from Wordpress into our own custom blog implementation within MODx. That's allowed us to better integrate the blog posts with the portfolio and testimonials sections.

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