

Google PageSpeed Score

Google's website performance benchmark

97 out of 100.


WebPagetest Grade

Graded on site performance, page size and load times



Website Grader Score

Calculated on general, mobile, SEO and security performance

95 out of 100.

What are these?



The Disablement Association of Barking and Dagenham (DABD) is a registered charity offering a wide range of services to local residents from transport for the elderly and disabled to help with finding a job for young people.

Their existing site was looking a little out-of-date, wasn't responsive and was built on Wordpress making it very hard for site editors to update the site's content.

We proposed the design and development of a brand new website with a bespoke design to reflect their new branding and modern web design techniques and built on an intuitive and easy-to-use content management system (CMS).

What we did

What we did

The finished website delivers everything we set out to achieve and was launched well ahead of schedule to coincide with the end of an existing hosting contract.

The design works on many levels, being attractive and easy to use for the vast range of ages and abilities of DABD clients whilst also making best use of the corporate branding and vibrant colour scheme.

The task of maintaining and updating the site's content is no longer a chore and instead an enjoyable experience that can be carried out by site editors quickly and easily via Craft CMS leaving them time to get on with the other aspects of their jobs rather than spending hours battling with an obstructive CMS.

We're really pleased with the website we created for DABD and are already in conversation with them planning how it can be enhanced and added to with the grant they have recently received so watch this space!