Graphic Design Essex goes live

​After almost 12 months of stop-start work, sandwiched between client projects and the occasional weekend stint, we finally completed our very own Graphic Design Essex website.

The existing Graphic Design Essex site had served us very well, providing a home for our range of graphic design services and portfolio of work for almost eight years - a lifetime in web years (very similar to dog years, before you ask) - and proudly holding the top spot in Google for “Graphic Design Essex” for most of that time. Successful SEO performance aside, it was in desperate need of a complete overhaul to introduce a brand new, responsive design and the integration of modern content management system in the form of Craft CMS.

I began work on the new site design whenever I had some spare time so, as with most internal projects in a busy web design agency, it took a little while to come together but, eventually, the bold colour scheme and clean lines fell into place and a design that we were all happy with emerged meaning the developers could begin coding.

Building the site in our favourite CMS, Craft CMS, was relatively straightforward and didn’t cause too many headaches for us. After all, we’ve built almost 82 Craft CMS client sites now so there’s not much we haven’t seen when it comes to developing code for Craft.

As the development site came together we began the process of writing content, taking photographs of our graphic design work (using a very professional and fancy-looking lighting and camera set-up) and then populating each page with text, images and stock images where necessary.

As with most website projects, it’s the content that can become the hardest task but with a final burst of dedication and determination we’ve delivered a site that looks great, contains a wealth of information about our graphic design services and examples of our work so hopefully it’ll serve us for another eight years and perform just as strongly in the search engines as it’s predecessor.

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Dan Walsh by Dan Walsh