The Worshipful Company of Curriers

The Worshipful Company of Curriers

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Google PageSpeed Score

Google's website performance benchmark

98 out of 100.


WebPagetest Grade

Graded on site performance, page size and load times



Website Grader Score

Calculated on general, mobile, SEO and security performance

87 out of 100.

What are these?



When looking for an agency to design and develop their new website The Worshipful Company of Curriers carried out a detailed appraisal of their fellow Livery Company's websites. Concluding with a shortlist of three sites that they liked they found that two had been designed and built by Enovate: The Worshipful Company of Needlemakers and The Worshipful Company of Farmers.

They spoke to members of these Company's who both recommended us wholeheartedly and following that contact was made and the proposed project discussed at length.

Our experience over the years with Livery Companies has given us a huge amount of insight into the unique way they operate and the special requirements of their websites that aren't quite like any other.

What we did

What we did

There are two main facets to The Worshipful Company of Curriers website: a public facing area that details the history and purpose of a modern-day Livery Company and a secure area for Company Member's to login to and access private Company information.

The site features a completely bespoke look and feel that was created with significant input from the team at the Company resulting in a collaborative design that everyone was happy with and can be easily modified by site editors. As with all our sites, the finished article is responsive meaning it looks great and functions reliably on any device, no matter how big or small.

Behind the scenes the site runs on the incredibly powerful Craft CMS allowing the site's content to be updated and maintained with ease and as Craft CMS is also responsive it means content updates can be done anywhere at anytime.

We're incredibly happy with the website we've designed and built and proud to be working with yet another prestigious Livery Company. We hope the site serves them well as it evolves so why not take a look for yourself.